Embracing An Innovator’s Mindset During Covid-19

Course Dates

Asynchronous, self-paced

About This Course


A course by Novak Educational Consulting

This course, Embracing the Innovator’s Mindset During COVID-19, is built on the foundation of the book Innovator’s Mindset. With the swift transition from face-to-face to remote learning, teaching and learning have been disrupted. In order to eliminate barriers that prevent all learners from succeeding, we have to not only foster our own innovator’s mindset, but we have to scale these practices throughout our schools and districts. Creating a culture that embraces innovation and risk is possible, if we are willing to design for variability and disrupt our tried and true practices and routines. Learn more about how to do this by connecting the content of the book to resources that explore change theory, disruptive education, teacher leadership, and teacher efficacy. In every unit, we will provide a variety of resources to increase options for representation and increase engagement throughout the course. Additionally, there will be numerous options to participate in discussions to ensure that your reflections and connections are relevant, authentic, and meaningful.


  • Define innovation, give examples of what it is (and isn’t), and reflect how we need to embrace this notion to create better opportunities for learners, especially in light of COVID-19 and remote learning.
  • Connect the Innovator’s Mindset and the characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset to the transition to remote learning.
  • Connect themes of innovation, culture, and leadership to your own practice as an educator
  • Learn how to transition leadership and learning practices from standardized to personalized.
  • Understand the importance of educator resilience and creating a culture that elevates and celebrates teaching and learning.
  • Understand how to universally design professional development to ensure empowerment among educators.


Module 1: Innovation in Education
Module 2: The Innovator’s Mindset
Module 3: A Culture of Yes and Disrupting Our Routines
Module 4: A Vision for Empowerment
Module 5: Moving Away from “One-Size-Fits-All.”
Module 6: Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching
Module 7: Transforming Professional Learning
Module 8: Measuring Success and Honoring Your Journey


Novak Educational Consulting is the premier organization for designing and delivering high-quality, evidence-based professional development on multi-tiered systems of support, evidence-based tiered interventions, evidence-based literacy models, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and effective leadership practices.

Course Price
PDU Price
3 PDU = $200
Course + 3 PDU Units
George Couros
We recommend that participants seek approval for salary advancement from appropiate district officials before purchasing professional development units.