Policies and Procedures

Policies &

View TCSJ Policies and Procedures below. If you have a question about a policy or procedure, we recommend you reach out to your program advisor.



Current Teaching Credential Students

Coursework completed by students currently enrolled in the IMPACT Program or Residency@TCSJ are directly transferable to TCSJ’s M.Ed. program for identical required coursework. 

Teaching Credential Graduates

Students who have graduated from the IMPACT Program or Residency@TCSJ within the last seven years will be awarded transfer credit as described for current students above. Students who graduated more than seven years prior to enrollment in the graduate school must submit transcripts for evaluation. Equivalencies will be granted for coursework as appropriate to current standards.

Students Transferring from Other Teacher/Administrator Preparation Programs

Coursework completed from a regionally accredited college or university is eligible to be evaluated for transfer credit work with the following restrictions:

  1. Only 8 units or less can be transferred (unless applying for a second credential).
  2. Only courses completed within the last 7 years will be considered (unless applying for a second credential).
  3. Only courses that qualify for graduate credit by an accredited institution can be transferred.
    Exception: Integrated credential coursework completed as an undergraduate may be considered pending review of transcripts and course descriptions.
  4. Only courses in which a grade of C or better is earned can be transferred.

Enrolled students must receive pre-approval prior to taking a course at another regionally accredited institution in order to have credits be considered as transferrable.


Students may submit transcripts and other requested documentation to the program director for review.  Transfer credit will be granted on an individual basis and the program director will assign equivalencies (“E” grade, no units) for approved coursework only. 

If needed, the program director shall consult with the President of TCSJ or an academic designee regarding granting equivalencies. The President has the authority to overrule policy.

Note: No transfer credit/equivalencies will be granted for any course in the Master’s Core. All students must complete a minimum of 17 units at TCSJ to be eligible for a Master of Education.


Teachers College of San Joaquin has adopted the Academic Freedom Policy of the American Association of Graduate School Professors

Academic Freedom Policy:

  • Faculty are entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of their other academic duties; research for pecuniary return should be based upon an understanding with the authorities of the institution.
  • Faculty are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter, which have no relation to their subject.
  • Faculty are citizens, members of a learned profession, and officers of an educational institution. When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that the public might judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence, they should at all times be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the Graduate School.


The TCSJ Strategic Leadership staff will be responsible for overseeing the protection of academic freedom within TCSJ. Faculty members who believe that TCSJ has violated its academic freedom policy should document their complaint in writing and submit it to the President. The President will add this as an action item for the first Strategic Leadership meeting after the alleged violation. Should the President and TCSJ Strategic Leadership staff agree that there was a violation of policy, they will agree upon the institution’s response. The response should correct the violation and make changes to the procedures to ensure that violations to academic freedom do not occur in the future. If an agreement cannot be reached, the TCSJ President will present their findings to the Governing Board. The decision of the Governing Board is final.


Academic Performance Probation

All TCSJ students are expected to earn a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 each semester and maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, with no grade below a “C”. If a student’s GPA and/or course grade(s) are below this minimum standard, the student will be placed on academic probation. Students who remain on academic probation for more than 1 semester may be referred to the Academic Review Committee (ARC) for further action.

Conduct and Disposition Probation

All students at TCSJ are expected to exemplify the conduct and dispositions described in the TCSJ Ethical and Professional Standards. If a student fails to exhibit the characteristics outlined in the standards, a TCSJ Teacher Candidate Disposition Concern Form will be filed with the Program advisor/coordinator.

Violence, threats of violence, intimidation, stalking, and similar behaviors towards PK-12 students, college students, faculty, and/or TCSJ employees on the part of students shall lead to immediate dismissal from the college.

Progress Probation

All TCSJ students are expected to make adequate progress towards completion of the program. Adequate progress is defined by students earning a minimum GPA of 3.0 in each semester, overall GPA of 3.0, with no grade below a C. In addition, adequate progress is demonstrated by students taking and/or completing required program or course assessments, and turning in required assignments, logs, and/or documents. Therefore, examples of inadequate progress include but are not limited to: poor attendance, failure to take and/or complete Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs), Administrator Performance Assessments (APAs), Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA), failing coursework, lack of progress in clinical fieldwork and/or incomplete support logs (IMPACT). If a student is making inadequate progress, the student will be placed on progress probation. Students who remain on probation for more than 1 semester may be referred to the Academic Review Committee (ARC) for further action. TCSJ credential students who are required to successfully pass the California Teaching Performance Assessments (CalTPA) must demonstrate adequate progress in order to continue in the program. If a student does not receive a passing score on their first attempt of either of the assessment cycles, they will be placed on progress probation and must meet with their advisor/coordinator to create a remediation action plan and timeline for re-submission. Failure to adhere to the established deadlines and/or pass an assessment cycle of the CalTPA on a third attempt will result in program dismissal.


Student receives a C- or lower, W, NP, NC or GPA lower than 3.0 and/or fails to show adequate performance or progress in program and/or violates the TCSJ Ethical and Professional Standards:

  • Academic Performance and Progress Probation: Warning Letter
    • Warning Letter is sent instructing student to make an appointment with their advisor/coordinator to discuss options and create a “Plan of Action and/or Timeline” to resolve the probation issue(s).
    • Student will coordinate payment with student accounts if there is a financial implication, e.g. retake course.
  • Conduct and Disposition Probation: Warning Letter
    • In the event two or more TCSJ Teacher Candidate Disposition Concern Forms are filed, the student will be placed on conduct probation.
    • Warning Letter is sent instructing student to make an appointment with their advisor/coordinator to discuss options and create a Plan of Action and/or Timeline to resolve the probation issue.

Student fails to address the Plan of Action and/or Timeline:

  • Academic Performance, Progress and/or Conduct and Disposition Probation: Dismissal Warning Letter
    • Dismissal Warning Letter is sent if student fails to meet with their advisor/coordinator or address the action plan and adhere to timeline agreed upon with advisor.
    • Students who remain on probation for more than one semester and/or receive three or more TCSJ Teacher Candidate Disposition Concern Forms may be referred to the Academic Review Committee (ARC) for further action.
    • Student will acknowledge receipt of the Dismissal Warning Letter.
    • Dismissal Warning Letter informs student (and employer for interns) of pending dismissal and their referral to the Academic Review Committee for final action.
    • Student will coordinate payment with the Student Accounts Office if there is a financial implication.
  • Based upon the Academic Review Committee (ARC) decision, a written statement is sent notifying the student (and employer for interns):
    • ARC grants student additional opportunity to rectify probation and extends an additional grace period. If student fails to meet the stipulations established by ARC the student will be dismissed from TCSJ.


    • ARC initiates dismissal process: TCSJ directors and student accounts are notified, the files and database are updated to reflect dismissal. (Also see Dismissal Policy)


The Academic Review Committee (ARC) is to take action when a student’s non-compliance of TCSJ’s Policies and Procedures warrants a referral to the ARC; or a student lodges a complaint (e.g. requesting a grade reconsideration), appeal, or grievance.



The Academic Review Committee is comprised of:

  • a Chairperson, appointed by the President;
  • two full time faculty who are not a party to the case, but are familiar with TCSJ’s Policies and Procedures;
  • one adjunct faculty member who is not party to the case but is familiar with TCSJ’s Policies and Procedures.

The ARC is charged with resolving cases of academic and non-academic concerns. The committee will interview, consult with, and/or request written documents from any individual believed to have relevant information of the concern, including faculty, staff and/or students. During the review process, all relevant information will be analyzed by the committee in relation to the TCSJ Policies and Procedures. Before their investigation is concluded, the student shall have an opportunity, if so desired, to be heard orally, present written witness statements, and/or provide additional information. Throughout the process, any party to whom the appeal is directed shall have the opportunity to present their perspective and/or witness statements along with relevant information. The process is not intended to mimic official court or other legal proceedings.

Upon completion of the committee meetings(s), the Chairperson will send written notification within 30 calendar days from the date of the committee meeting, stating the committee’s decision, which will be emailed to the student’s TCSJ email address and sent via US Postal Service. ARC decisions are final.


We intentionally consider all applicants who apply to Teachers College of San Joaquin. The institution seeks students from diverse cultural, linguistic, and academic backgrounds, as well as those who come from a variety of work experiences. Applicants admitted to Teachers College of San Joaquin demonstrate strong potential for professional success in schools, academic and work-related achievement, and a commitment to inquiry.

Formal admission and acceptance to the College is required for applicants to enroll in post baccalaureate courses at Teachers College of San Joaquin.


  • Completion of a four-year college course of study and a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association (except for Career Technical Education students);
  • Good academic standing at the last college or university attended (letter may be requested);
  • TCSJ applicants are required to submit an online application via TCSJ’s Application Portal.

All components of the application are considered for acceptance. Satisfaction of minimal GPA standards does not guarantee admission. Admission will be denied to applicants possessing bachelor’s degrees with a significant amount of credit awarded for work experience that was not supervised by a faculty member of an accredited university nor evaluated in units, which identify the academic content.

Additional Admission Information for IMPACT Intern Program or Residency@TCSJ:

Applicants with revoked credentials and/or credentials flagged with adverse actions will not be admitted to a credential program. Once the applicant’s credential status is cleared or re-instated by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), the applicant may petition for admission to the credential program by submitting a letter to the Academic Review Committee (ARC) explaining the circumstances. Each petition will be reviewed, and the applicant will be notified of the admission decision.

Applicants who were previously enrolled in another institution’s teacher preparation program must submit a letter of good standing from that institution’s education department. The letter must be on institutional letterhead and signed by the dean, department chair, director of teacher education or someone in an equivalent position.

Additional Admission Information for Graduate Studies Administrative Credential or M.Ed. Programs:

  • Excellent references from current employer (and other).
  • Strong letter of introduction from applicant that aligns to TCSJ’s mission.
  • A grade-point average of at least 2.5 (A = 4.0) in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units attempted for undergraduate degree.

Applicants who are not admitted to TCSJ master’s program must wait a minimum of one year to reapply.

Clear Induction Administrative Program, Transfer from Another Program:

Students who wish to transfer work from another California Commission Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) approved Clear Induction Administrative program will be granted equivalency if the applicant provides all documents with evidence of completion of work, such as Inquiries, Logs and Reflections. A Letter of Good Standing (including work ethic) from the previous program is required. 


Enrollment in a Teachers College of San Joaquin graduate program is required for students to be able to audit a course at TCSJ. No person shall attend any class unless they are a fully registered student enrolled in the course and meet the criteria for auditors.


Criteria for Auditors:

  1. Auditors will obtain the instructor’s consent prior to enrollment in the course(s).
  2. The auditor understands that the instructor has the right to refuse audit requests.
  3. Auditors agree to be observers rather than active participants.
  4. Auditors will have excellent attendance in the course(s).
  5. Auditors agree that they will not submit assignments.
  6. Auditors understand that they will not receive a grade, credit, or feedback from the instructor.
  7. The audited course(s) will appear on the auditor’s transcript with the grading symbol “AU.”
  8. The auditors will pay the current TCSJ Professional Learning Center (PLC) per unit cost prior to enrollment.

No more than one auditor per ten fully enrolled students will be allowed in a course. If there are fewer than ten students, no auditors will be registered. The instructor has full discretion regarding the auditor’s level of participation.


According to TCSJ Bylaws, Article II: Board Authority and Responsibilities

The TCSJ Governing Board shall exercise institutional authority over the college as set forth in these bylaws and in such other policy documents it deems to be appropriate. This authority, in consultation with the TCSJ President, shall include but shall not be limited to these illustrative functions:

6. Authorize the award of honorary degrees.

An honorary degree awarded by the Teachers College of San Joaquin Governing Board provides the opportunity to acknowledge and recognize those who have made a significant contribution in education or the community in which we serve. Individuals honored may have demonstrated exemplary leadership in a particular field or deserve distinction for public service. Teachers College of San Joaquin can award a Master of Education degree to selected students who reflect the spirit and values of our institution.


  • Nominations for honoree(s) may come from a variety of sources;
  • Those nominating an honoree for an honorary degree should give a brief written summary of the individual’s accomplishments and reason for considering the individual for the honorary degree;
  • Nominations should be submitted annually by February 15, to the Chair of the TCSJ Board Governance Committee.
  • The Governance Committee may request additional information or materials in support of the nomination. The Governance Committee will screen nominations and recommend finalist(s), with supporting rationale, to the TCSJ Governing Board at the annual March board meeting;
  • The Chair of the Governance Committee will notify the selected honoree;
  • Commencement speakers may be nominated and considered, but there is no precedent that conferral of an honorary degree is expected;
  • Honoree(s) must be present at graduation to receive the honorary M.Ed. degree;
  • Degree is conferred by the President of the Teachers College of San Joaquin at graduation;
  • Age, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status is a not a relevant factor in selection.



M.Ed. students who do not take classes for three consecutive semesters will be considered inactive. Students who remain inactive for four consecutive semesters will be withdrawn from the college. If a student is withdrawn, they will be required to reapply and follow the requirements of the TCSJ catalog for the academic year in which they are readmitted.


See Academic Performance, Progress and/or Conduct and Disposition: Probation Policy

Leave of Absence:

M.Ed. students who need to take a leave of absence from their curricular program will discuss this request with their program coordinator. M.Ed. students who are on leave for three consecutive semesters will be considered inactive.

Program Withdrawal:

All TCSJ students are expected to make adequate progress towards completion of their program. Program withdrawals in IMPACT, Residency@TCSJ, Teaching and Administrator Induction are considered when there are extenuating circumstances and there is an agreement between the program and the student. When applicable, employers will also be consulted.

A student who voluntarily withdraws from their scheduled program is required to complete a Program Withdrawal Form and will have the balance of the tuition costs associated with their program adjusted to reflect courses started and/or completed at the time of withdrawal.

While employed as an IMPACT University Intern, students must maintain concurrent enrollment in the two-year sequence of courses leading to program completion.

IMPACT students who are no longer employed as the “Teacher of Record” will be considered withdrawn and their intern credential will be suspended.


The following procedure applies if a candidate quits or loses their administrative position, or has a break in employment due to a leave of absence:

The candidate gains new administrative employment midway through the program:

  • Another semester of coaching will likely be required for the candidate to meet all program requirements.
  • The candidate will be responsible for the cost of an additional semester of coaching.
  • The candidate takes a leave of absence for less than 2.5 months.
  • Coaching program end date will be extended by the same number of days as the gap/leave.
  • The payment schedule will continue, uninterrupted.

Or, the candidate is not re-employed in an administrative position or the leave(s) of absence is more than 2.5 months:

  • Coaching program will stop and the candidate will be unenrolled from the program.
  • The candidate will meet the agreed stipulations on the original promissory note: “Should the Borrower withdraw from the Program (voluntarily or involuntarily), the tuition will be recalculated based on the nearest term completed.”

Any other leave of absence from the program will be granted on an individual basis and will result in the equivalent actions outlined above.


Uniform Complaints

Complaints against Teachers College of San Joaquin (TCSJ) and/or an individual that relate to discrimination, harassment (except for sexual harassment), intimidation, bullying, retaliation, and/or which allege that TCSJ or an individual has violated federal or state laws or regulations governing educational programs will be processed under San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) Uniform Complaint Procedure 1312.3 policies and procedures located at:

Sexual Harassment Complaints

Complaints against Teachers College of San Joaquin and/or an individual (student or personnel) that relates to sexual harassment will be processed under San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) Sexual Harassment (Students) AR 5145.7 or Sexual Harassment (All Personnel) 4119.11 policies and procedures located at:

Other Student Complaints

Student complaints not addressed in the Uniform Complaint or Sexual Harassment policies and procedures outlined above, shall be addressed with the TCSJ Student Complaint Form found on the TCSJ website.

A submitted TCSJ Student Complaint Form shall be routed to the appropriate Program Director for review and action. The Program Director shall attempt to resolve the complaint with the student and record outcomes and actions taken on the TCSJ Student Complaint Form. A copy of the TCSJ Student Complaint Form and supporting documents (if applicable) may be submitted to the President for possible further action.


Records of student and/or faculty complaints are maintained by the Office of the President, and when appropriate, will work collaboratively with SJCOE to oversee and follow-up on the resolution for each complaint.


Teachers College of San Joaquin shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or the perception of one or more characteristics. Teachers College of San Joaquin is part of the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) and the policies and procedures of SJCOE are followed. Policies and procedures are located at:


Records of student and/or faculty complaints are also maintained by the Office of the President, and when appropriate, will work collaboratively with the SJCOE to oversee and follow-up on the resolution of each complaint


IMPACT Intern Credential Extensions

Teaching credential students who have not attempted all required assessments by the end of their program will not be eligible to apply for an extension of their intern credential.

An IMPACT intern student who does not complete the required coursework and/or exams (e.g., California Teaching Performance Assessment, Reading Instruction Competence Assessment, Literacy Performance Assessment, California Subject Examination for Teachers) in four semesters is required to take a 5th or 6th semester of supervision while they attempt to complete the program requirements. All students must pass the final two consecutive semesters of supervision. Students will be responsible for the cost of additional semesters of supervision.

Note: Support Supervision is considered a course. Additionally, while working on an intern credential, students must continue to log support hours until all requirements are met.

Preliminary Administrative Services Intern Credential Extension

Students enrolled as an intern in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program who have not attempted all required California Administrator Performance Assessments (CalAPA) by the last course of their program will not be eligible to apply for an extension of their intern credential.

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Coursework Extension

A student who does not complete the required coursework, including mandatory participation in each of the Kick-Offs, and/or California Administrator Performance Assessments (CalAPA) in three semesters is required to extend their program until all requirements are complete. A student who fails to submit the CalAPA during the semester when the course is scheduled is required to enroll in coursework at the next offering of the course (e.g., EADM 387/v, EADM 388/v, EADM 389/v). Students will be responsible for the cost of all additional coursework required for the completion of the program.

Residency@TCSJ Credential Coursework Extension

A resident who does not complete the required coursework and/or exams (e.g., California Teaching Performance Assessment, Reading Instruction Competence Assessment, Literacy Performance Assessment, California Subject Examination for Teachers) by the end of their residency year is required to extend their program until all requirements are complete. The resident is required to enroll in continuation courses each semester (EDUC 246 and EDUC 247) until their requirements are complete. The resident will be responsible for the cost of all additional coursework required for the completion of the program.


In accordance with federal regulations effective July 1, 2011, Sections 600.2 and 600.24 of the Higher Education Act, TCSJ equates one graduate credit hour to a total of 45 hours of work (includes classroom instruction and outside-of-class work). For purposes of this policy, one hour of work is assumed to be a 50minute period.

Calculation of credit hour:

  • Program Course: One graduate semester credit hour (or unit) is equal to a total of 15 hours of classroom or direct faculty instruction. In addition, 30 hours of outside-of-class work, or two hours per hour of seat time, is required.
  • Clinical Practice/Practicum Courses: One graduate semester credit hour is equal to a minimum of 45 hours of fieldwork.
  • Professional Learning: One professional learning credit hour (or unit) is equal to a total of 15 hours of seat time.


Initial establishment of course credit hours:

When new courses are approved by the TCSJ Strategic Leadership Team and Academic Affairs Committee, course credit hours assigned will be evaluated for appropriateness based on a review of the course description, which includes course learning outcomes, texts, and other resources used, course requirements, and detailed course outlines.

Periodic review:

Application of the Credit Hour Policy shall be reviewed and documented during the Academic Program Review process to ensure that credit hour assignments are accurate, reliable, and appropriate to graduate work. Evidence to support credit hour assignments includes course syllabi, course learning outcomes, assignment schedules, and class schedules identifying the times that classes meet (if applicable).


The rights of students with disabilities–including, but not limited to those with disabilities, ADHD, chronic health conditions, traumatic brain injuries, hearing impairments, physical impairments, psychological disorders, visual impairments, other health impairments, and/ or any physiological disorder or condition–are protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Teachers College of San Joaquin, as a public institution of higher education, is legally required to provide academic adjustments and reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, under Title II of the ADA.

The purpose of these laws is to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities. A student with learning disabilities may need accommodations and/or aids.

Faculty members are not required to lower academic requirements or to change fundamental learning outcomes of the course. The purpose of providing alternate assessment arrangements is to ensure that a fair measurement is made of the student’s achievement, not the functional limitations caused by the disability.

It is the responsibility of the student to understand their disability and communicate appropriate accommodations to staff and/or faculty; and make timely arrangements for support services with the instructor.

Program directors coordinate support for students with disabilities so they may participate fully and not be excluded or denied access to any college program or activity on the basis of their disability. “No qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any public entity” (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Sec 35.130 (a), Amended 2010). We also aim to help students who experience temporary medical conditions and injuries who may need accommodations. Furthermore, we are willing to consult with any student about services we provide.

For more information, please contact:

  • Crescentia Thomas, Ed.D., Director, Graduate Studies
    Phone: (209) 468-9134 I Email: cthomas@sjcoe.net
  • Michele Badovinac, M.A., Director, IMPACT Programs
    Phone: (209) 468-9141 I Email: mbadovinac@sjcoe.net
  • Myra Gardea-Hernandez, Ed.D., Administrative Services Credential Programs Coordinator and Academic Review Committee (ARC) Chair
    Phone: (209) 468-9190  I Email: mgardeahernandez@sjcoe.net


Dismissal from TCSJ may occur due to any of the following:

  1. Inadequate Academic Performance
  2. Inadequate Progress
  3. Failure to demonstrate appropriate conduct and/or dispositions
  4. Failure to adhere to the TCSJ Ethical and Professional Standards

Violence, threats of violence, intimidation, stalking, and similar behaviors towards P-12 students, college students, faculty, and/or TCSJ employees on the part of students shall lead to immediate dismissal from the program.

An administrative intern student or IMPACT intern student who is dismissed or non-re-elected from their employment will be considered for dismissal from the IMPACT program by the Academic Review Committee (ARC). A student who resigns or is dismissed from their employment a second time may be dismissed from the IMPACT program. Students who are placed on administrative leave may also be referred to the Academic Review Committee for review regarding dismissal.

IMPACT intern students are dismissed if they fail to receive a passing grade during any two semesters of Support Supervision or if they are dismissed from their employment prior to the end of the academic year. Failure to complete a semester of supervision due to dismissal by employer results in a No-Pass for the course. Intern students will not exceed a total of 6 semesters of supervision. Students who are dismissed from TCSJ may petition for re-admittance during the regular application period. The Academic Review Committee (ARC) will make all final decisions regarding re-admission eligibility.

The reason(s) for a student’s pending dismissal will be identified by the administrator(s) of the program and referred to the Academic Review Committee (ARC) for final decision. The decision by the Academic Review Committee is final.

Students who are dismissed by the Academic Review Committee will have tuition prorated based on the tuition policy for course/s completed per the date of dismissal. After the second class session, the student is responsible for full tuition and fees.


See procedure for the Academic Performance, Progress and/or Conduct and Disposition: Probation Policy


Valuing diversity is about respecting one another’s differences. All members of the TCSJ academic community of students, staff, administrators and faculty will be respected for the experiences and expertise they bring to our institution. Everyone has the right to an educational environment free of fear for their personal safety and no person shall be denied access to, or participation in any program or activity operated by TCSJ. Teachers College of San Joaquin does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, color, religion, religious creed, age, marital status, or disability.


TCSJ students in the Master’s, Administrative Preliminary, or Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization (MIAA) are able to drop a course before the start of the second class session without incurring course tuition costs. Dropped courses will not appear on the student’s transcript.


Students who wish to drop a course are required to complete and submit a Course Drop Form before the beginning of the second class session to the Graduate Studies Office.


Equivalency for a second master’s will be granted from first master’s coursework, including: CURR321, CURR341, CURR343, CURR345, and CURR384; or CURR301-CURR305.

Requirements for earning a double (or second) master’s degree in education include:

    1. Completion of all elective coursework unique to the second concentration.
    2. Completion of a second review of literature aligned to the project/portfolio for the second concentration. The student will work independently to complete the review of literature. The student’s project advisor will provide one edit of the paper and the student will make revisions based on the feedback/edits provided. If, upon the second submission to the advisor, the review is found to be substandard, the student will enroll in the course CURR384 or CURR305 to complete the review. The student will pay full tuition for the 2-unit course.
    3. Completion of a second project/portfolio aligned to the second concentration.


Eligibility to participate in the annual TCSJ Commencement ceremony is determined in April of each year.

IMPACT Credential Candidates

To be eligible to participate, IMPACT credential candidates must:

  • Be on track to successfully complete all required coursework by the scheduled end of the program;
  • Be on track to successfully complete all required Supervision by the scheduled end of the program;
  • Be on track to successfully complete all required Support Logs by the scheduled end of the program;
  • Have both Cycles of the CalTPA submitted by April 1 (as applicable);
  • Have passed the RICA or must have taken it at least twice by April 1 (as applicable);
  • Be current with financial obligations.

M.Ed. Students

To be eligible to participate, Master of Education students must:

  • Be on track to successfully complete all required coursework by August 15;
  • Be on track to successfully complete all requirements for the master’s project by August 15;
  • Be current with financial obligations.

MIAA and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Candidates

To be eligible to participate, candidates in the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential must:

  • Be on track to successfully complete all required coursework by August 15;
  • Be on track to successfully complete all requirements for the master’s project by August 15;
  • Be current with financial obligations.

Residency@TCSJ Residents

To be eligible to participate, residents must:

  • Be on track to successfully complete all required coursework by the scheduled end of the program;
  • Be on track to successfully complete all required clinical fieldwork by the scheduled end of the program;
  • Have both Cycles of the CalTPA submitted by April 1 (as applicable);
  • Have passed the RICA or be scheduled to retake it before May 1 (as applicable);
  • Be current with financial obligations.


Students are expected to follow the TCSJ’s Ethical and Professional Standards in all coursework and fieldwork.

Violence, threats of violence, intimidation, stalking, and similar behaviors towards P-12 students, college students, faculty, and/or TCSJ employees on the part of students shall lead to immediate dismissal from the program.

TCSJ Professional Dispositions:

TCSJ Students will….

  1. Demonstrate openness to critical assessment of progress.
  2. Believe that all students can learn. Students seek to meet the diverse needs of all students, including English learners and students with special needs.
  3. Value diversity and advocates for social justice: “Shall not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social culture background or sexual orientation unfairly exclude any student from participation in any program, deny benefits to any student or grant any advantage to any student.
  4. Maintain flexibility in planning and implementing instruction to meet the needs of all students.
  5. Demonstrate initiative and reliability in successfully completing the program requirements, including coursework, fieldwork, lesson planning, instruction, and daily classroom routines (as appropriate to program).
  6. Make satisfactory progress in meeting requirements.
  7. Reflect and self-assesses to improve practice.
  8. Collaborate effectively.
  9. Handle confidential information professionally. A student shall not disclose information about students or faculty obtained in the course of professional service unless such disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law. A student shall not misrepresent, orally or in writing, issues related to students, faculty, classrooms or the college programs.
  10. Maintain an appropriate professional appearance.
  11. Agree to treat one another (other students, faculty and staff) with mutual trust and respect, promote the success of the individual and the group as a whole, and refrain from behavior that is disruptive, offensive or reflects bias of any kind.

Effective Communication

  • Communicate effectively, orally and in writing, in college, public school, and educational community related contexts with professionals and colleagues.
  • Deal effectively and professionally with disagreements.

Punctuality, Late Assignments, Preparedness

  • Meet deadlines for assignments.
  • Notify supervisor/faculty in advance of absences and makes appropriate arrangements for classroom activities/instruction during absences.
  • Attend courses regularly and punctually.

Academic Integrity:

  • Plagiarism – For the purposes of TCSJ, the definition of plagiarism is adopted from the American Psychological Association Ethics Code Standard 8.11 (APA, 2016). Students who “…present portions of another’s work or data as their own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally,” are guilty of plagiarism. Whether paraphrasing, quoting an author directly, or describing an idea that influenced the work, students must credit the source.

     a. All members of this learning community agree to maintain personal and academic integrity including refraining from plagiarism.

     b. If faculty or staff allege that a student is guilty of plagiarism:

          i. The instructor and student will meet to discuss the circumstances of the offense.

          ii. The instructor will consult with the program director to determine course of action, which will include one of the following:

        • Failure of the assignment with or without ability to resubmit;
        • Failure of the course;
        • Referral to the Academic Review Committee – If a student is referred to the Academic Review Committee, they may receive a range of penalties, including failure of an assignment, failure of the course, suspension (e.g. for a semester), or dismissal from TCSJ. This committee will decide on the appropriate penalty. Prior violation/s of college policy by the student may result in a more serious sanction. In these cases, the decision of the Academic Review Committee is final and binding on all parties. More information on avoiding plagiarism can be found at www.plagiarism.org and in the APA 7th Edition Manual.
  • Examinations and Quizzes – Students may not give, receive, or use unauthorized assistance during an examination, from another person’s notes or other communication.
  • Coursework – Students may not present the same work for credit in more than one course. Students must acknowledge (cite) all sources of assistance, whether published or unpublished, that are used in writing a report or paper.

Health and Safety

The San Joaquin County Superintendent prohibits the use of tobacco products at any time in any San Joaquin County Office Education (SJCOE) owned or leased buildings, on SJCOE property, and in SJCOE vehicles.

These prohibitions apply to all employees, students and visitors at any school sponsored instructional program, activity, or athletic event held on or off SJCOE property.

Prohibited products include any product containing cannabis, tobacco or nicotine, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew, clove cigarettes, betel and nicotine delivery devices such as electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs and other vapor emitting devices, with or without nicotine content, that mimics the use of tobacco products any time. Exceptions may be made for the use or possession of prescription nicotine products, or other FDA-approved cessation aids such as nicotine patches or nicotine gum. 


All members of the TCSJ teaching community including, full-time and affiliate instructors, supervisors, and department administration are expected to attend and participate in faculty meetings each year.  These meetings provide a valuable opportunity to meld theory and practice, as well as create an important opportunity for collaboration between and across disciplines. 

TCSJ also encourages all faculty members to disseminate their work through publications and presentations at local, state and national events. 

Support may be provided for travel and/or conference fees for faculty members whose submissions are accepted for presentation at meetings and conferences.

Support may also be provided to faculty when the event is directly related to their TCSJ responsibilities. 


Faculty members must submit a written request (via Email) to the program director, for approval by the TCSJ Leadership Team, at least one month prior to the requested travel.


All adjunct teaching faculty must fulfill the following requirements for the Teachers College of San Joaquin (TCSJ) Faculty Evaluation, including: 

Post-Course Requirements: 

  1. All adjunct faculty will respond, in writing, to student course evaluations for each course taught using the Evaluation Response Form. Appropriate members of the TCSJ Leadership team will continuously review evaluation responses to identify potential concerns. 
  2. Each designated faculty team will examine program learning and course learning outcomes, determine needed course adjustments, and identify student work for program review analysis. A Course Development Worksheet will be completed as a collaborative effort by the designated team and submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies and  Research or the Director of IMPACT. 

Biennial Requirement: 

  1. Beginning with the initial course assignment and every other year thereafter, each adjunct faculty member will complete the Instructor Evaluation Process.  

If there are unresolved concerns about the faculty member’s practice, they will be observed by a program coordinator and/or department director during each course assignment until concerns are rectified or it is determined the individual  is no longer suitable for employment. 

All components of the adjunct faculty evaluation process will inform decisions regarding continued employment/assignment. 


Post Course Requirements: 

1. Course Evaluations 

     a. Students will be notified and provided access to the course evaluation.

     b. Within 10 days of the course ending (or 10 days after student submission of course materials), the instructor reviews the course evaluation results and submits the  Evaluation Response Form with all end-of-course materials to the program coordinator. 

     c. The program coordinators and/or department directors will examine the summary data and review the Evaluation Response Form.

     d. Concerns that arise from the course evaluation data and/or the Evaluation Response  Form will be addressed by the program coordinator and/or department director. 

2. Course Development Worksheet

     a. Annually, each designated faculty team will examine program learning and course learning outcomes, determine needed course adjustments, and identify student work for the upcoming cycle of the TCSJ program review analysis.

     b. A Course Development Worksheet will be shared with the coordinator of each program and accessible to the Institutional Evaluator as evidence of the continuous improvement process. 

Biennial Requirement for Instructor Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty: 

1. TCSJ Observation of Practice – Essentials for Teaching: A Guide for Instructor Reflection

     a. Instructor will choose two areas of focus from the guide.  

     b. Coordinator or director of the program will collect a reflective document based on one  of the following options: 

          i. Instructor will video a lesson and complete a self-reflection based on the areas of  focus. 

          ii. Instructor will invite a full-time TCSJ faculty member to observe a lesson and  conduct a debrief based on the focus areas.

          iii. Instructor will invite a TCSJ colleague to observe a lesson and conduct a debrief based on the focus areas. 

     c. Instructor will be observed once every two years unless concerns arise.

     d. If concerns arise, instructor will be formally observed once during each course taught until concerns are rectified, or it is determined the adjunct faculty member’s performance does not warrant continued employment.


Faculty at Teachers College of San Joaquin (TCSJ) are employed in partnership with the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE).  Hiring and continued employment decisions are made in collaboration with the SJCOE Human Resources Department.  As such, all faculty must adhere to the TCSJ and SJCOE policies and procedures.

TCSJ Faculty are comprised of  three categories:

Full-Time Faculty: are personnel who are employed with salary and benefits on an annual contractual basis contingent on staffing needs and ongoing satisfactory performance. This is a non-tenure track position.

Adjunct Teaching Faculty: are personnel who are temporarily employed part-time and compensated based on the number of course units assigned. To maintain their status as adjunct faculty, members must teach a minimum of one course per year. Employment is contingent on 1) need as determined by student enrollment and 2) evaluation performance.  Adjunct faculty may additionally serve in an affiliate capacity. This is a non-tenure track position.

Affiliate Faculty: are personnel who are temporarily employed part-time and compensated based on the amount of time needed and the expertise demanded to fulfill the duty of their agreed-upon assignment and responsibilities.  Employment may fluctuate based on the needs of the institution. This is a non-tenure track position.


Newly created faculty positions and vacancies are advertised in close collaboration between TCSJ and SJCOE. While the SJCOE Human Resources department oversees the initial screening and hiring stages, TCSJ has a significant role in the final selection process. Onboarding for new employees is conducted by the respective program and department. Professional development opportunities are offered on an ongoing basis.

All faculty are expected to participate in faculty meetings specific to their assignment to maintain their status.

Adjunct and affiliate faculty with an interest in contributing to the TCSJ Faculty Advisory Council are encouraged to apply annually.


Faculty “No Show”

Faculty are expected to hold classes on the scheduled dates and times, as stated on the course syllabus. When circumstances require the cancellation of a class, the faculty member shall make an effort to notify students. It is the responsibility of the student to regularly check their TCSJ email for such announcements.

When a faculty member is late in arriving to class, students must wait a full 20 minutes after the start of class before leaving without being counted absent. If written notice regarding the anticipated tardiness and/or absence of the faculty member is received, students are required to follow all conveyed instructions.


All courses are expected to be completed at mastery level. Mastery in coursework is determined to be a grade of “C” or better. Course instructors are solely responsible for the determination of course grades. Instructors should clearly define grading criteria on the syllabus including the effect of attendance on the final course grade. Grades must be entered through the password-protected student information system within 10 business days of the last class.


INC – Incomplete

An Incomplete is granted at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor will notify the program coordinator or director when assigning an Incomplete.

An Incomplete is changed to the grade earned if work is not completed within the timeframe as agreed upon with the instructor. The grade earned will be based on the entirety of the course with incomplete work calculated as zeros. If the grade becomes a failing grade, the student must contact the program coordinator or director, re-enroll in the course, and assume responsibility for all fees associated with repeating the course.

Graduate Studies Withdrawal: (W)

Students who are in the Administrative Preliminary, Master’s, Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization and Residency@TCSJ programs can withdraw from a course up to 50% of completion to earn a grade of W. After this point, students who withdraw will earn the cumulative grade based on the entirety of the course with incomplete work calculated as zeros. If a grade of C- or lower is earned, the student will be placed on academic probation (see Academic Performance, Progress, and/or Conduct and Disposition: Probation Policy and Procedures). Students who withdraw after the start of the second session will incur full tuition for the course, as well as for the same course if it is retaken.

If a student in the Residency@TCSJ program withdraws from any courses, the student will be withdrawn from the program. If the student re-applies and is accepted into the program in the future, the courses that were previously completed may be granted equivalencies upon approval of the program coordinator.


  1. Students who wish to withdraw from a course are required to complete a Graduate Studies Course Withdrawal Form.
  2. The program will assign a grade of W for up to 50% of completion.
  3. After 51% of completion in a course, the grade will be based on the entirety of the course with incomplete work calculated as zeros.
  4. Students will need to meet with the program advisor to design a new course plan.

Pre-Service Preparation Program Withdrawal: (W)

All Pre-Service Program students are expected to make adequate progress towards completion of their program. Students who wish to withdraw from coursework must do so by completing a Pre-Service Withdrawal request form. Students who withdraw after the start of the second session will incur full tuition charges for the course. Students required to repeat the course are responsible for paying the current tuition rate for the course.


  1. Students who wish to withdraw from a course are required to complete a Pre-Service (Course or Program) Withdrawal Form before the beginning of the second class session.
  2. Grades for students who withdraw after the start of the second session will be based on the entirety of the course with incomplete work calculated as zeros.
  3. Students will be rescheduled as requested which may delay the student’s ability to complete the program in a timely manner.

Withdrawal Administrative: (WA)

Students who have extenuating personal or professional circumstances may request a withdrawal. Administrative withdrawals are only considered when the withdrawal period has passed and there are extenuating circumstances (out of the control of the student) which make completion of the course impossible. This grade is up to the discretion of the Director and carries no penalty.


If a student disagrees with a grade, they must meet with the course instructor to discuss the disagreement within 20 calendar days of receipt of the grade. If the issue is not successfully resolved as a result of that meeting, the student may meet with the Program Coordinator to mediate the situation. If the issue is still not successfully resolved, the student may file a written Request for Reconsideration, which should clearly describe the nature of the disagreement and resolution sought. The Request for Reconsideration must be filed with the Program Director within 10 days following the meeting with the course instructor. The Program Director will provide a copy of the Request for Reconsideration to the course instructor for response. The Academic Review Committee Chair will convene the Academic Review Committee (ARC) for review of all documents and the ARC will make a decision within 30 days or prior to the next time the course is offered, whichever is sooner. The decision of the Academic Review Committee is final and binding on all parties.

Support Supervision or Fieldwork is a course in the teacher credential program and a Support Supervisor is the instructor of record for these courses. The same process applies as stated above for a grade challenge for Support Supervision or Fieldwork related coursework.

The administration and leadership team of Teachers College of San Joaquin have created the following guidance for the use of generative artificial intelligence software such as, but not limited to, ChatGPT (OpenAI), Bard, Gamma, Curipod, Eduaide, Ai. The use of these resources in academic settings have been utilized as a means for facilitation of learning, and the intention of this guidance is to ensure that these resources are not being overused or misused. 

This guidance for Generative AI is provided in alignment with the Ethical and Professional Standards Policy > Academic Integrity >Plagiarism section found within the TCSJ Course Catalog.

Because artificial intelligence tools are assistive by nature they can be used in ways that prevent faculty from determining if learning outcomes are truly being achieved by an individual. Therefore, AI tools are not permitted as substitutes for original work and must not be used to complete significant portions or the entirety of an assignment. When used in any capacity, students must cite in their work the use of any AI tools.

Procedures for Citing Generative AI

TCSJ utilizes the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual and format guidelines. Recent publication from the APA provides guidance on citing ChatGPT (OpenAI) and AI-generated texts. Please refer to “How to Cite ChatGPT” (Tim McAdoo, Feb. 23, 2024) for citing this software: https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/how-to-cite-chatgpt

**Additional resources:

Resource from PACE for AI Guidance: https://www.teachai.org/toolkit

Sample School Guidance:  https://www.teachai.org/toolkit-guidance

The advisors, coordinators, and directors of Teachers College of San Joaquin review course enrollment on a regular basis to ensure appropriate enrollment in classes. The practice of canceling a class should be rare; therefore, the following set of guidelines are established to ensure proper planning of course schedules. Cancellation of classes will be a last resort to ensure students maintain full-time enrollment status and avoid the delay of completing their programs.

  • Review of enrollment histories must be conducted on an ongoing basis to anticipate any cases of potential low enrollment.
  • Course schedules must be developed with the knowledge of enrollment histories.
  • Classes are subject to cancellation when enrollment falls below the minimum of 4 in the 300-level, 6 in the 200-level, and 15 in the 100-level courses.
  • Students and faculty must be notified at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of their scheduled class and will be directed to contact the program advisor.
  • Program advisors must be aware of alternative plans to provide students with guidance for appropriate completion of the program due to cancellation of a course.
  • If a class is canceled due to low enrollment at a specific location, students may be enrolled at the alternate location (or provided a distance learning option, if available).

Note: Exceptions to the cancellation of classes may be made by the President of TCSJ.

Enrolled IMPACT and Residency students who have met all credential requirements but have scored just below the passing threshold on one of the CalTPA cycles, are eligible to request a preliminary credential recommendation review based on the Secondary Passing Standard process.


Students are eligible to request this process if all three of the following criteria are met:

  1. Student is currently enrolled in the IMPACT or Residency program.
  2. Student has met ALL other preliminary credential requirements (including passing all other required assessments)
  3. The student earned an eligible Secondary Passing Standard score on the CalTPA as detailed by the chart below:


Students who wish to request a Secondary Passing Standard review must reach out to their coordinator/advisor. Once eligibility has been confirmed, the student will engage in a TPA remediation session and will submit their revised TPA to an internal TCSJ reviewer for scoring until there is sufficient evidence to determine competency in each TPE domain has been achieved (as evidenced by a rubric score of 3 or above). Each TPA remediation and review process will incur a fee (see Student Fees).

Once all competencies have been demonstrated, the student will be recommended (via a paper application) for their preliminary credential.


Pursuant to Education Code 44463, IMPACT Intern Candidates will be able to change employers at the completion of the academic year if offered an appropriate intern position in a different partnering district.

Candidates will not be allowed to change employers mid-year without prior approval from the TCSJ Program Director and written permission from the current employer, officially releasing the candidate from contractual obligations.

Candidates who leave their intern assignment without approval prior to the end of the academic year (due to dismissal or candidate choice) will be withdrawn from all coursework and their intern credential will be suspended. Withdrawn candidates may submit a petition for re-enrollment during the fall enrollment period. All re-enrollment petitions will be reviewed by the Academic Review Committee (ARC). All ARC decisions are final.


Supervised clinical practice is a course. Anytime a student earns a grade of NP (No Pass), W (Withdrawal) or WA (Withdrawal Administrative), the course must be repeated in order to meet program requirements.

  • When a student receives a No Pass (NP) in the course, they will receive more than 6 supervision visits during the following semester.
  • IMPACT Intern students are dismissed if they fail any 2 semesters of supervised clinical practice (aka Support Supervision).
  • All students must pass the final 2 consecutive semesters of supervision.
  • IMPACT Intern students will not exceed a total of 6 semesters of supervised clinical practice.
  • General Education students who require re-enrollment, must be concurrently re-enrolled in Practicum.
  • The student is responsible for all associated enrollment and re-enrollment costs in accordance with withdrawal and dismissal policies (See Dismissal from TCSJ and Grades – IMPACT Withdrawal Policies.)
  • Re-enrollment in supervised clinical practice will delay the student’s ability to complete the program and will require an extension of the intern credential.

To earn a passing grade and credit for supervised clinical practice IMPACT students must be formally evaluated a minimum of 6 times per semester over the course of at least 12 instructional weeks. In the event a student is unable to provide classroom instruction for a minimum of 12 weeks, it may not be possible to complete the required number of supervision visits.

When a student is placed on a corrective action for supervised clinical practice, they will receive more than 6 supervision visits during the semester in which the corrective action is issued and the following semester. Therefore, if extended leave takes place during or immediately following the semester in which a corrective action was issued, a “W” will be assigned if the student is not in the classroom for a minimum of 15 weeks.

During the semester immediately following the issuance of a NP a student must be able to provide classroom instruction for a minimum of 15 weeks


Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)-Extended Leave

When a student requests extended leave for FMLA purposes and is unable to provide instruction for 12 weeks in a given semester and/or is not able to be observed at least 6 times, the student will receive a “W” (Withdrawal) in the course for the semester. (A “W” is not a passing or failing grade. It indicates a withdrawal.)

  • During the additional semester of enrollment, students must meet the minimum number of 6 visits per semester and at least 12 weeks of instruction.
  • If extended leave takes place during or immediately following the semester in which a corrective action was issued, a “W” will be assigned if the student is not able to provide classroom instruction for a minimum of 15 weeks.
  • Students must meet with the program coordinator to develop a re-enrollment plan as soon as an extended leave becomes necessary. All re-enrollment processes will be aligned to the policy stated above.

Administrative Leave

When a student is placed on administrative leave, preventing them from being formally evaluated a minimum of 6 times during a semester over the course of at least 12 instructional weeks, the student will receive a NP (no pass) in the course for the semester.

If administrative leave takes place during or immediately following the semester in which a corrective action was issued, a “NP” will be assigned if the student is not able to provide classroom instruction for a minimum of 15 weeks.

  • Students must meet with the program coordinator to develop a plan and discuss re-enrollment as soon as they are placed on leave.
  • All re-enrollment processes will be aligned to the policy stated above.
  • When a student receives a non-passing (NP) grade in the course, they will receive more than 6 supervision visits during the following semester.
  • During the semester immediately following the issuance of a non-passing grade a student must be able to provide classroom instruction for a minimum of 15 weeks.

Candidate Dismissal

When a student is dismissed by the University or employer, preventing them from completing a semester, the student will earn a NP (non pass) in the course for the semester.

Withdrawal Administrative

Students who have extenuating personal or professional circumstances may request a withdrawal. Administrative withdrawals are only considered when the withdrawal period has passed and there are extenuating circumstances (out of the control of the student) which make completion of the course impossible. This grade is up to the discretion of the Director and carries no penalty. 

A comprehensive list of additional fees is located on the Tuition and Fees webpage on the Teachers College of San Joaquin website and on pages 85-86 of the course catalog.


See yearly TCSJ tuition chart on the TCSJ website for fee amounts.

Administrative Preliminary Credential Program

A non-refundable enrollment deposit is due prior to course enrollment. The enrollment deposit applies toward tuition and fee charges. If the student does not enroll or withdraws from the program, the enrollment deposit is forfeited and/or applied toward tuition and fee charges incurred.

Administrator Performance Assessment (APA) Remediation

If a student fails a California Administrative Performance Assessment (CalAPA), a remediation appointment must be scheduled with the course instructor within one month of receipt of the non-passing score. Additionally, the student will be assessed a remediation fee, which will be added onto the student’s tuition balance.

Remediation: Instructors will provide a total of up to 4 hours of remediation per cycle submission (this includes the instructor‘s review of the Cycle).

Application Fee

A fee will be assessed to process the initial application for admission to TCSJ. The Application Fee will be waived for returning students who have been enrolled within the last 3 semesters.

Credential Processing

It is the student’s responsibility to pay the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) credential application fee within 90 days of the online recommendation date. Students who do not meet this deadline and allow the credential recommendation to expire will be assessed an administrative fee for each additional submission in addition to all fees required of the CCTC. If the student allows the credential recommendation to expire, the issuance date will be delayed and could pose a problem with the student’s employer/employment.

Early Completion Option – Credential Candidates

Candidates who pursue the Early Completion Option to acquire their Preliminary Teaching Credential, will be assessed tuition per unit for coursework and/or supervision still needed.

IMPACT Preliminary Teaching Credential

A non-refundable enrollment deposit is due prior to course enrollment. The enrollment deposit applies toward tuition and fee charges. If the student does not enroll or withdraws from the program, the enrollment deposit is forfeited and/or applied toward tuition and fee charges incurred.

IMPACT Supervision


The student is responsible for informing the Support Supervisor of their teaching schedule, planned teaching activities and any situation that may arise preventing the Support Supervisor from observing the student teaching a lesson. If a situation arises requiring the student to cancel a scheduled appointment with the Support Supervisor, the student is required to do so at least 3 hours prior to the scheduled appointment. Students will be assessed a fee for failure to abide by this policy.

Year 3 Intern Support and Supervision

Candidates who process intern credential extensions will be required to enroll in a 3-unit Support and Supervision course during each semester of the extension and are responsible for the tuition charges.

Independent Study

Candidates who require an Independent Study course will be assessed tuition per unit and an administrative fee for each course needed.

Master’s Project Completion

Most students complete their master’s projects in two semesters. If additional semesters are needed, students must stay continuously enrolled and pay a per semester fee while working to complete their project.

Preservice Coursework

A non-refundable enrollment deposit is due prior to course enrollment. The enrollment deposit applies toward tuition and fee charges. If the student does not enroll or withdraws from the program, the enrollment deposit is forfeited and/or applied toward tuition and fee charges incurred.


A non-refundable enrollment deposit is due prior to course enrollment. The enrollment deposit applies toward tuition and fee charges. If the student does not enroll or withdraws from the program, the enrollment deposit is forfeited and/or applied toward tuition and fee charges incurred.

Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) Remediation

If a student fails a TPA they are required to schedule a remediation appointment with the program advisor/coordinator. The student will be assessed a fee for each TPA remediation.

Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) Secondary Passing Standard Review

Enrolled students who have met all credential requirements and received a secondary passing standard score on a TPA are required to schedule a remediation appointment with the program advisor/coordinator. The student will be assessed a fee for each TPA secondary passing standard remediation and review.

Technology Fee

A one-time, per program, non-refundable fee will be assessed upon enrollment.

Transcript Fee

A standard fee will apply to transcript requests within 10 days. An additional fee will be assessed for expedited transcripts and/or delivery.