Clear Administrative Services Credential Program
April 11, 2023 2024-11-19 13:34Clear Administrative Services Credential Program
Clear Administrative Services Credential Program
About the Program
- Two-year program
- Candidates are paired with an experienced administrator who 'coaches' the candidate over the two-year period and works one-on-one for an average of 40 hours per year. All coaches have been trained by the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) and receive ongoing training.
- Candidates attend 20 hours of targeted professional development activities based on the their individual needs.
Program FAQ's
- When can I start TCSJ’s CASC Program? Coaching begins as soon as you are assigned a coach.
- What is the latest point in the year that I can start the program? In order to get 40 hours of coaching completed during the school year, the latest point to start coaching is in September.
- Why is my preliminary administrative credential expiring before the allocated five years to clear your credential? A valid teaching credential (or equivalent) is required for one to earn their preliminary administrative credential. If your credential is due to expire before the five-year mark, it is likely due to the expiration of your teaching credential. You may need to apply to the Commission on Teachers Credentialing to extend your credential.
- Do I have to stay with the same district for the duration of the program? There is no requirement to stay with the same district for the two-years. It is important to note that changing districts mid-year could result in the need for another year of coaching due to not being able to complete the inquiries.
- What is the Cost? The total cost for students beginning the program in fall 2024 is $9,060.
The Induction program for the Clear Administrative Services Credential is offered through Teachers College of San Joaquin and is accredited by the CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The Leadership Coaching model is for candidates who are seeking a Professional Clear Administrative Service Credential. The two-year program is tied to the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL). Professional development activities are established based on the needs of the candidate.
Participants receive a minimum of 40 hours of coaching each year which includes in-person observations, 1:1 confidential meetings on site, as well as “just in time” support via phone and email. Coaches have a minimum of 5 years of successful site principal experience, are certified in coaching methodology, and have the ability to support candidates in building their capacity to be effective leaders. Candidates seeking a Clear Administrative Credential will develop an Individual Coaching Plan with their coach and complete reflective inquiries aligned to the CPSELs. All program requirements are met as they relate to the position and context of the candidate. Candidates not meeting the requirements will need to complete an additional year of the induction program.
- Possess Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
- Employer Agreement Form
- Induction Program Candidate Memorandum of Understanding
- Be employed in a full-time position requiring an Administrative Services Credential
- Be willing to commit to a 2-year program
September 15, 2024
Learn more about TCSJ