Test Preparation

Test Preparation

If you are looking for resources to help you with preparing for the CSET or RICA exams, check out the information below.


California Education Code requires that all candidates for a teaching credential must demonstrate they are proficient in the subject matter area of their intended credential. The California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) is one way of meeting this requirement. The exams have been developed by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for prospective teachers who choose to or are required to meet specific requirements for certification by taking examinations. For more information about the CSET exams, visit https://www.ctcexams.nesinc.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_AboutCSET.html.

Teachers Test Prep

Teachers College of San Joaquin has partnered with Teachers Test Prep to offer ONLINE test prep at a discount to currently enrolled TCSJ students! Teachers Test Prep is the nationwide leader in teacher credentialing exam preparation. First, complete FREE test diagnostics with Teachers Test Prep to see your overall likelihood of passing and see where you need extra help! Once you complete the FREE test diagnostics, you then have the option to purchase Test Prep and will receive 6 months of access to the following features: Core Videos that teach the underlying content knowledge, Smart-STEM Virtual Tutoring Videos that teach the strategy needed to apply that knowledge to the specific types of questions most likely to appear on the real exam, Core Slideshows that provide a quick snapshot of the key content knowledge for easy review, Advanced Diagnostics that include an even deeper breakdown of strengths and weaknesses to help you focus your study time on areas that will benefit you most, and an additional full-length Practice Test.

For a 15% discount, contact Alex at (800) 764-8616 ext. 0 or orgsupport@teacherstestprep.com with the program code: TCSJ25.

240 Tutoring

240 Tutoring offers CSET study guides that are comprehensive reviews of the ideas and concepts of each exam. Check out their free resources. Additionally, 240 Tutoring provides a quality, easy-to-use study guide that is proven to help anyone pass their exam for $39.99 a month, cancel anytime. 

For $25 a month, TCSJ students will be provided with access to all resources when using this discount link: https://study.240tutoring.com/subscribe/SJCOEopd 

San Diego County Office of Education

The Statewide Residency Technical Assistance Center Hub San Diego County Office of Education is taking a significant step in aiding aspiring teachers by providing FREE ONLINE TEST PREPARATION support to teacher candidates. By offering these services for free, the Office of Education is not only empowering prospective teachers to excel in their exams but also promoting educational equity and accessibility, ensuring that candidates have the necessary tools to become effective educators.

San Jose State

San Jose State offers free resources to help in preparation for the math CSET. Visit their website for more information.


Study.com has created a comprehensive CSET guide offering: CSET practice exams, including a free 15-question practice test, comprehensive information on need-to-know test basics, section overviews, and scoring, robust CSET study guides for each CSET subtest, comprised of thousands of engaging video & text lessons. Visit their website for more information.

Education Code Section 44283 requires the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to “develop, adopt, and administer a reading instruction competence assessment . . . to measure an individual’s knowledge, skill, and ability relative to effective reading instruction.” Evaluation Systems was contracted by the CTC to assist in the development, administration, and scoring of this assessment, which is known as the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). The goal of reading instruction is to develop competent, thoughtful readers who can use, interpret, and appreciate all types of text. For more information about the RICA exam, see CTC-Exam website.

Teachers College of San Joaquin

RICA Video Performance and RICA Written Exam Workshop

  • COST: $150.00 (50% off for TCSJ students enrolled from 2021 to current)
  • Taught by Linda Kraus, TCSJ Instructor
  • Upon completion of the workshop series, you have the option of purchasing one professional development unit from TCSJ!
  • Upcoming workshops (dates TBA)

Asynchronous RICA Prep Course

Teachers College offers an online, self-paced, Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) Preparation Course for $49. This course has 12 modules of information to prepare you for taking and passing the RICA in California. In addition to covering the 5 domains of the RICA, there are test-taking tips and key strategies highlighted with demonstrations! Once you complete the course, you will have the option of purchasing one professional development unit from TCSJ! Learn more and enroll in the course.

Emily Muccianti’s RICA Prep Course

Enroll in Emily Muccianti’s RICA Prep 101 for a comprehensive, self-guided course that gives you everything you need to pass while fitting into your schedule. Throughout the course, all domains, competencies, and written responses (including the case study) are covered through a variety of engaging and visual lessons. Students are also invited to participate in live workshops via Zoom sessions to clarify their understanding. You can select from three different membership levels: Standard Member, VIP Member, or Platinum Member. Upon completion of the course, VIP and Platinum members can purchase one professional development unit from our Professional Learning Center for an additional $75. All membership levels can attend the Workshop Series and qualify for an additional professional development unit from our Professional Learning Center for an additional $75.

For a 10% discount off of one yearly membership, contact Amanda Shores, Education Assessment & Data Coordinator, at (209) 817-8087 with the program code: TCSJPROUD25. A monthly subscription is also available to purchase at the regular rate. Learn more and enroll at the website.

San Diego County Office of Education

The Statewide Residency Technical Assistance Center Hub San Diego County Office of Education is taking a significant step in aiding aspiring teachers by providing FREE ONLINE TEST PREPARATION support to teacher candidates. By offering these services for free, the Office of Education is not only empowering prospective teachers to excel in their exams but also promoting educational equity and accessibility, ensuring that candidates have the necessary tools to become effective educators.


Study.com’s study guide course will give you all the tools you need to be ready for your exam. To cover all five domains addressed on the exam, our instructors have built this course with a multitude of chapters. Every chapter covers a major concept, but we break it up further with short, engaging lessons that help you review one topic at a time. These include teaching phonemic awareness, organizing your reading instruction, and promoting literary comprehension. Check out their RICA test prep materials HERE

Teachers Test Prep

Teachers College of San Joaquin has partnered with Teachers Test Prep to offer ONLINE test prep at a discount to currently enrolled TCSJ students! Teachers Test Prep is the nationwide leader in teacher credentialing exam preparation. First, complete FREE test diagnostics with Teachers Test Prep to see your overall likelihood of passing and see where you need extra help! Once you complete the FREE test diagnostics, you then have the option to purchase Test Prep and will receive 6 months of access to the following features: Core Videos that teach the underlying content knowledge, Smart-STEM Virtual Tutoring Videos that teach the strategy needed to apply that knowledge to the specific types of questions most likely to appear on the real exam, Core Slideshows that provide a quick snapshot of the key content knowledge for easy review, Advanced Diagnostics that include an even deeper breakdown of strengths and weaknesses to help you focus your study time on areas that will benefit you most, and an additional full-length Practice Test. 

For a 15% discount, contact Alex at (800) 764-8616 ext. 0 or orgsupport@teacherstestprep.com with the program code: TCSJ25.

240 Tutoring

240 Tutoring offers RICA prep guides that are comprehensive reviews of the ideas and concepts of each exam. Check out their free resources. Additionally, 240 Tutoring provides a quality, easy-to-use study guide that is proven to help anyone pass their exam for $39.99 a month, cancel anytime. 

For $25 a month, TCSJ students will be provided with access to all resources when using this discount link: https://study.240tutoring.com/subscribe/SJCOEopd 

RICA Test YouTube Videos

The YouTube channel RICA Test provides videos to help review each subset.