Affiliate Faculty
May 3, 2023 2023-05-03 15:11Meet the Affiliate Faculty
Teachers College of San Joaquin purposefully selects faculty with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Specific attention is paid to finding and selecting skilled practitioners whenever possible. We believe that a teacher’s college should promote best practice and include experts in the field. As a result, our faculty includes teachers, principals, district and county officials, industry leaders, and academics. When choosing faculty, experience and scholarship are weighted equally. We value both our fulltime and affiliate faculty members. Instructors, Supervisors, and Leadership Coaches for Teaching Credential Programs, Preliminary and Clear Administrative Credential Programs, and M.Ed. programs are listed below.
If you would like to contact someone, please email a request to for contact information.
- Adam Schlecht
- Adriana Enriquez, M.Ed.
- Adrianne Go-Miller, Ed.D.
- Allan Lial, M.Ed.
- Amanda Boyer, M.Ed.
- Amanda Gomez, M.Ed.
- Amanda Shores
- Amy Frame, Ed.D
- Amy Grith
- Amy Lee, M.A.
- Andra Yeghoian, MBA
- Andrea Fuentes
- Andrew Dompeling
- Andrew Griggs, M.Ed.
- Angela Cotton, M.Ed.
- Angelic Jauregui
- Anna Dolce, M.Ed.
- Anne Marie Millin, M.A.
- Anne Swehla Garcia, M.A.
- Annemarie Zimzores, M.Ed.
- Annie Duong, Ed.D.
- Annita McManus-White, Ed.D.
- Anthony Serna, Ed.D.
- Ashley Ramirez
- Audrey Weir-Graham, M.A.
- Barbara Seibert
- Belinda Squires, M.A.
- Bill Avey
- Bill Murray
- Bob Wallace
- Bobbie Vang, M.Ed
- Bonnie Stewart-Funk, Ed.D.
- Breanne Jantz
- Brenda Rice, M.A.
- Bret States, M.S.
- Brian Biedermann, M.Ed.
- Bruce Roberson
- Cam Wong, M.A.
- Carla Gonzales, Ed.D.
- Carol Anderson Woo, Ed.D.
- Carol Brigham
- Carol Brooks, M.A.
- Carole McNair, M.A.
- Catherine Pennington, M.Ed.
- Cathy Barnes
- Cathy Fatzer, M.A.
- Cathy Nichols-Washer, Ed.D.
- Charalee Cunningham, M.A.
- Charlene Hinton, M.Ed.
- Cheryl Nilmeyer
- Christine Chapple, M.Ed.
- Christine Markus, M.Ed.
- Cid Gunston-Parks, Ph.D.
- Colette Moyse, M.Ed.
- Colleen Hurley, M.Ed.
- Colleen Mulrooney
- Craig Pearce
- Daniel Wright, M.A.
- Darla Galloway, M.A.
- David Looney, Ed.d.
- David Viss, Ed.D.
- Dawn Vetica, M.A.
- Dean McNair
- Dean Reese, M.S.
- Deanne Andrade, M.Ed.
- Debbie Abdallah, M.A.
- Debbie DeGanna, M.A.
- Debbr Finney, M.A.
- Deborah Hernandez
- Debra Hopman, M.Ed.
- Denise Smart
- Don Halseth, M.A.
- Don Voortman, M.A.
- Donald Edde
- Dustin Curtiss, M.Ed.
- Elisabeth Hensel, M.Ed.
- Elizabeth Lowy, M.Ed.
- Ellena Gibbons, M.A.
- Erin Guthrie, M.Ed.
- Ernesto Calderon, M.Ed.
- Faith Ofman, M.Ed.
- Fred Cochran, M.Ed.
- Gail McWilliams, M.Ed.
- Gary Rooney, M.A.
- Guadalupe Villalobos
- Heather Dragoo
- Heidi Schipper, M.Ed.
- Helen Katotakis, M.Ed.
- Jackie Villines, M.Ed.
- James Liese, Ed.D
- James Paige, M.A.
- James Wright, M.Ed.
- Janee Montelongo Waters, M.A.
- Janice Bussey, M.A.
- Jazmin Matthews
- Je Aprile
- Jenna Valponi, M.A.
- Jennifer Barry
- Jennifer Klopatek-Driscoll, M.A.
- Ashley Ramirez
- Jerey Palmquist, M.S.
- Jessica Branstetter, M.Ed.
- Joann Balestreri, M.Ed.
- Joel Blomenkamp, Ed.D.
- Joel Johannsen, M.Ed.
- John Cicinato, M.A.
- John Luis, M.A.
- John Miller, M.S.
- John White, M.A.
- Jolie Ruiz, M.S.
- Jonathan Whitford, M.Ed.
- Jorge Pulido, M.A.
- Joseph Schallberger, M.Ed.
- Joshua Brigham, M.A.
- Judy Peebles
- Justin Pruett, M.S.
- Justine Sares, M.Ed
- Kamran Sedhigi, M.S.
- Karen Jaramillo
- Kathleen Dennis, M.Ed.
- Kathleen Peebles, M.Ed.
- Kathy Scholl, M.Ed.
- Kecia Won-Jones, M.Ed.
- Kent Hinton, M.A.
- Kevin Harkin, M.Ed.
- Kim Bell
- Kimberly Ott, M.Ed.
- Kirk Brown, M.A.
- Larry Graser, M.Ed.
- Lauren Dinubilo, M.Ed.
- Liliana Lazo, Ed.D.
- Linda Dopp, M.A.
- Linda Frost, M.Ed.
- Linda Kraus, M.A.
- Linda Myers, M.Ed.
- Lindsay Kumar, M.Ed.
- Liselle Clark, M.S.
- Lori Gobbi, M.A.
- Lori Morgan, Ed.D.
- Lynn Yanko
- Marcia Finke, M.A.
- Margaret St. George, M.S.
- Margie Bulkin, Ed.D.
- Marie Love
- Maria Castanon, M.Ed.
- Heidi Schipper, M.Ed.
- Maria Villalobos Hernandez
- Mary Damiano
- Mary Kelley, M.Ed.
- Mary Parks-Luntao
- Mary Richards, M.A.
- Mary Welch, Ed.D.
- Matthew Brenner, M.Ed.
- Megan Gwin, M.A.
- Megan Schull-Smith, M.Ed.
- Melanie Evans, M.A.
- Melissa Logan, M.S.
- Michael Lockwood, M.Ed.
- Michael Paige, M.A.
- Michele Bryson
- Michelle Shelton, M.A.
- Mitchell Mesimer, M.Ed.
- Molly Johnson, M.A.
- Mona Kayton
- Monica Corriea
- Nancy Link, M.A.
- Nancy Wilkins, M.Ed.
- Natalie Dragoo, M.Ed.
- Nichole Whorton
- Nikkole Scruggs, M.A.
- Noella Goodyear, M.S.
- Pamela Burns, M.Ed.
- Pamela Dunham, M.Ed.
- Pamela Moreno, M.A.
- Pat Dimond, M.A.
- Patricia Boutte, M.Ed.
- Patricia Busher, M.Ed.
- Patricia Gorzeman, M.Ed.
- Paul Brogan, M.Ed.
- Rachael Navarrete, M.Ed.
- Rachelle Pappas, M.Ed.
- Raymond Stoddard, M.A.
- Rene Malamed, Ed.D
- Richard Capello, M.Ed.
- Richard Harlow
- Richard Holbrook, M.Ed.
- Rick Calbreath, M.A.
- Robert Bornmann, M.A.
- Robin Gurrola
- Robin Searway, M.Ed.
- Rolf Athearn, M.A.
- Ron Boren, M.A.
- Rosalie Reberg, M.Ed.
- Rosalynne Lopez
- Sage Benson, M.A.
- Samantha McCoy, M.Ed.
- Sandee Kludt, Ed.D.
- Sandra Riggins
- Sarah Sanchez, M.Ed.
- Scott Eckerle, M.S., M.A.
- Scott Peebles
- Shannon Hess, M.S.
- Shari Provost
- Shauna Rottweiler, M.A.
- Sheila Harrison, Ed.D.
- Sheri Griffith
- Sherry Jackson, Ed.D.
- Siegrid Robeson, Ed.D.
- Stanley Smart, M.Ed.
- Stephanie Hitchcock, M.Ed.
- Stephanie Prioste, M.Ed.
- Steve Yund, M.S.
- Steven Callahan, M.Ed.
- Steven Throne, M.A.
- Sue Swartzlander, M.Ed.
- Susan Alldredge
- Susan Blickensta
- Susan Lockman, Ph.D
- Susan Navarrete
- Susan Taylor, M.Ed.
- Susana Mayorga
- Susanne Reed, M.S.
- Suzan Turner-Kelly, Ed.D.
- Suzette Berhorst, M.Ed.
- Sylvia Fraiser, M.Ed.
- Tammy Williams-Ankcorn, M.A.
- Terri Sorgent, M.A.
- Terry Crumpacker, M.A.
- Thomas Crocker, Ph.D.
- Thomas Morgan
- Tiani Hudgins, M.Ed.
- Tiani Vaccarezza, M.A.
- Tiany Martin, M.A.
- Timothy Sass
- Tom Galvin
- Toni Tranel-Harkin
- Vanessa Jara, M.A.
- Veronica Tigert, M.Ed.
- Vickie Mulvaney-Trask, Ed.D.
- Wayne Brown
- Yvette Menchaca, M.Ed.
- Yvonne Estrada, M.A.
- Yvonne Thornton, M.Ed.
- Zoila Toth, M.Ed.